Ahead, the monorail track disappeared into the oncoming purple fog.
The purple fog enveloped the damaged weapon as it fell to the ground.
The purple fog had dissipated already.
Moander disappeared in another purple fog.
He faded back into the purple fog.
Modest heating will demonstrate the purple fog quite dramatically without the risks entailed by the oxidation by sulfuric acid.
Composed of a grayish purple fog, his features'were beginning to soften, the eyes turning into empty smudges, the nose a hint of shadow.
A flurry of brilliant shafts waved and groped through the fog - red, blue, pink, purple, gold.
He felt a stab of fury, a yellow ice pick through the purple throbbing fog in his brain.
Across the gleaming Pacific, the red sun was just descending into a bank of purple fog.