Here we face, therefore, the limits of the purely rational conception of our existence.
The madman's explanation of a thing is always complete, and often in a purely rational sense satisfactory.
On purely rational grounds, human beings would eat only what's necessary to sustain life.
It's hard to describe the difference, because it is more of an unconscious feeling than a purely rational decision.
It's purely rational for a nation with no assets being threatened by the world's major power to develop insurance against attack.
Gradually, on a purely rational level, he'd discovered that his fear was unfounded.
He swallows his feelings and deals with Dido in a purely rational way.
Fundamentalist faith was rooted in deep fear and anxiety that could not be assuaged by a purely rational argument.
The theory reduces human interaction to a purely rational process that arises from economic theory.
Health policy cannot be reduced to a purely rational technical process even if the means were available.