Taken by surprise, her response was purely instinctive.
His first reaction was purely instinctive and without deliberation.
It was part exhilaration, part rage, and a primitive, purely instinctive call to battle.
It was purely instinctive; it came from the dark and lonely place in the mind where no thought existed.
The animals in cages, which gradually learn to get out, perform random movements at first, which are purely instinctive.
The action was a purely instinctive one, performed without forethought, a mere lashing out at something which annoyed me.
Doyle shouted with an urgen- cy that was purely instinctive.
The protest was purely instinctive; Henry didn't expect to be believed.
My reaction was purely instinctive, devoid of forethought or reasoning.
Indeed it was less than the latter, for it was purely instinctive.