The view expressed by Simon Bell Platner (among others) that the tomb was built over a tufa quarry is purely conjectural.
As the designs for the H-42, H-43, and H-44 battleships were purely conjectural, no actual work was begun.
Kirk said, "Spock, about these milkshakes..." "The connection is, as I have said, Captain, purely conjectural."
No timber structures survive (roofs, floors etc.), so our knowledge of how these were put together is purely conjectural.
This purely conjectural name has been oft repeated and has become traditional.
Others comment that this however, is purely conjectural evidence.
Whether there was a serious chance of accomplishing this, on the other hand, remained purely conjectural.
Unsourced events are purely conjectural.
Recent attribution to Serb national figures being Masons are purely conjectural, Masonic lodges didn't appear until the 20th century.
The attribution of the stone sculptures on the facade of St Nicolas's Church in Murcia to him, is purely conjectural.