I played the teacher with great earnestness and generosity, and something of pure self-indulgence.
The wild celebrations after each slight accomplishment, viewed through the old moral lens, is pure self-indulgence, and self-indulgence must damage the team.
For a fleeting moment of pure self-indulgence she let the emotions hidden behind his face sweep her up in a dizzying whirl.
Actually, they were brilliant - pure self-indulgence, whether we wanted a whirl of activity or total relaxation.
She tucked him in, a piece of pure self-indulgence, for Paddy had never looked so adult and self-sufficient as he did now.
If you enjoy it, then it's pure self-indulgence, and if you don't enjoy it you're a fool to do it.
Oh, it's pure self-indulgence--a place like this puts my company in a new and attractive light.
I can't say I think much of that vow; it's pure self-indulgence.
It's pure self-indulgence, of course-'art for art's sake' really means 'art for the artist's sake.'
It's important for me to spend my time in ways other than pure self-indulgence.