That pure maiden?
"And I think we'd better forget all this nonsense for now until we see what can be done to prevent Primrose's sweet pure maiden from luring others of your kind into her nasty little snares."
Doan sighed, "An enchanted sleep can be broken only by the kiss of a maiden both fair and pure. "
Even fairy tales were put to use, with Cinderella being presented as a tale of how the prince's racial instincts lead him to reject the stepmother's alien blood for the racially pure maiden.
Far other labor is assigned to me, Which a pure maiden can alone achieve.
Folk songs tell of brave heroes, pure maidens, sadness and glee.
"You can then beg him to let you dance with the worthiest, the fairest, and purest maiden in his court, and then you can go to Anne and ask her to dance."
What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause, If your pure maidens fall into the hand Of hot and forcing violation?
Consider Henry's speech before the town of Harfleur, whose crime has been to hold out against a siege: What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause, If your pure maidens fall into the hand Of hot and forcing violation?