But this term is a misnomer; no squash is pure juice.
The pure juice of Noah's vine we came in search of has been rendered impure.
Extract is probably a better term because purees of fruits like pears and strawberries are much easier to obtain than pure juice.
At least 30 fruit beverages contain only 5 to 50 percent pure juice, officials at the center said.
You might also try pure lemon juice, you can buy this in a grocery store.
This occurs during a 2 week period of the 5 month harvest season and provides exceptionally pure juice for the mills.
Fruit and vegetable juices still do not have to list their percentages of pure juice.
For the first time, consumers could have the fresh taste of pure not-from-concentrate juice in a ready to serve chilled package.
What is not 100 percent pure juice is a combination of fruit juice and other ingredients.
Substituting water and sugar for pure juice deprives consumers of certain nutrients, in some instances significant amounts.