And the Dragon at my gate has fangs of pure ivory.
Like all Caucasian slum children, pure pale ivory white under the crust of dirt, the fishy white of the city's poor, the soon-to-be-lost.
Equipped though he was by nature with a skull of the purest and most solid ivory, the fall had disconcerted him.
As I thought, it was nothing; there beneath the black covering gleamed the pure white ivory.
Slivers of garlic, available for grilling in a small tinfoil cup, look like pure ivory.
The dome itself was of pure ivory, which shone as if unknown hands kept it polished.
From the next egg emerged a ship of purest ivory with sails of fine white linen and a set of silver oars.
The only color other than pure ivory was the dark red of the sensor disk and a few docking lights blinking on the hull.
And with the spinning, in the time it took young legs to dance a step, her stained, frayed garments changed, became a dress, a gown, of purest ivory.
Everywhere, Dave saw ornaments of wondrous pattern: exquisite vases, gold-woven tapestries, carvings of pure white ivory.