As it happens, Alan has become fascinated by the incarnations of pure ideas in the physical world.
Klein later patented this recipe to maintain the "authenticity of the pure idea."
In ritual therefore, we seek continually to unite the mind to some pure idea by an act of will.
To his relief, the answer wasn't that same rush of pure unspeakable idea.
And, by trafficking so much in pure ideas, it was often sufficient simply to be told about it rather than to experience.
The reader is transported into the domain of pure ideas made so real that he or she forgets everything else.
I tell you, we would be hard put to determine what is more evil-religion or the pure idea.
Thinking of the great man as he saw pure ideas placed in the hands of enemies, I imagine him reaching for his sword.
Even today the Vietnamese government indoctrinates its citizens with pure antireligious ideas.
For example, I cogitate the existence of a being corresponding to a pure transcendental idea.