They disbanded shortly thereafter the same year, but enjoyed a short comeback as a pure live act from 1991 until 1993 performing their old hits.
But clothes given in the context of romantic love are always a bit more than pure acts of generosity.
"I think there's no such thing as a pure act of any sort," he said.
It is the pure act of creation swimming on its own bosom.
But it was a pure act of God, our meeting.
He recoiled from the thought of having a running partner: someone who might take his mind off the pure physical act.
So on that level it's a pure act.
Theodore was, Adams had proclaimed, "pure act," like God: endless energy without design.
He is thwarted in his moment of triumph however, by John committing a pure act of self-sacrifice.
The jury decided the arrangement was an illegal gratuity and not, as the defense had contended, a pure act of friendship that involved no strings.