In my walks I saw only one small market where one could purchase fruits or vegetables.
We are fortunate to be able to purchase superb fruits and vegetables from local Asian markets.
Arad has a few markets where citizens may purchase fruits, vegetables, food, meats, bread, and other house-hold items.
Joe had seen the same method being used earlier that evening when people purchased fruit or vegetables from street vendors.
She frequents local farms and markets to purchase vegetables and fruits and encourages her constituents to do the same.
I'll purchase fruits and vegetables from large industrial farms.
People from nearby villages also purchase vegetables from here.
If the audience had been able to purchase vegetables, I'm sure they would have thrown them at me.
The program is designed to help local farmers by purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables, which make their way to schoolchildren.
Every Saturday, people from villages around Manalurpet conduct "sandhai" to purchase vegetables and fruits at low cost.