Users can purchase books on a one-off basis or sell them to others via the web site.
An additional $19.3 million has been set aside to purchase electricity for Kosovo on an "as needed" basis.
And that meant that the colony could purchase its supplies on a just-in-time basis.
Memberships can be purchased on an annual basis.
Other services, such as word processing and clerical help, can be purchased on an individual basis.
Games are purchased on a game-by-game basis, which allows unlimited play of the game.
However, it increased the amount of silver the government was required to purchase on a recurrent monthly basis to 4.5 million ounces.
Another is the elimination of fuel which has to be purchased on an ongoing basis.
Individual articles can be purchased on a pay-per-view basis.
Released on December 15, 2010, the band allowed the track to be purchased on a name-your-price basis.