Players can purchase credits via the online store, or receive a monthly income of credits plus other benefits by subscribing.
A facility can purchase credits from large emitters that have reduced their emissions intensity beyond their 12 per cent target.
They can also purchase credits from facilities whose emissions are below the 100,000-tonne threshold but are voluntarily reducing their emissions.
If that also proves impossible, they can purchase credits from a private wetlands mitigation bank, which buys land and keeps it clear of future development.
If they exceed those goals, companies must purchase allocations, or credits.
Users can purchase 100-ride credits for about $30.
By requiring those who impact natural resources to purchase credits, a demand for mitigation credit is formed.
Visitors must purchase credits and then send a text message detailing the ride and number of passengers.
Guardian was having trouble purchasing enough credits on the open market until the state stepped in and provided some of its own.
Rivality is financed through players purchasing in-game credits.