Hee-dong suggested that he would join Yong-min, and the duo went away to purchase beverages.
Customers from Texas regularly cross the state line to purchase alcoholic beverages.
As a result, since the late half of the 1980s to about the year 2000, all states made the legal drinking age (to purchase alcoholic beverages) at 21.
Both convenience and health have been identified as important factors when consumers make decisions about purchasing foods and beverages.
Suppose, too, that anyone carrying those genes gets a driver's license stamped "not eligible to purchase alcoholic beverages."
Locals were not allowed to purchase alcoholic beverages at the hotels in Oppdal.
The minimum age to purchase beverages above 3.5% alcohol is 20 years of age.
For example, the age of license to purchase alcoholic beverages is 21 in all U.S. states.
Passengers can purchase snacks, meals, and alcoholic beverages from their seats via Red.
With the Second Class option you can purchase meals and beverages from the snack bar, at your own expense.