And doesn't the school have a student charter, where parents and pupils undertake to behave in an appropriate manner?
At the ages of 7, 11 and 14 pupils undertake externally set and marked tests (obtaining papers and marking services through DCSF/ISN no: 1250043).
The first of these is the non-practising six during which pupils shadow their pupilsupervisor and the second will be a practising six when pupils can undertake to supply legal services and exercise rights of audience.
During the Fourth Form pupils also undertake a compulsory year in the Combined Cadet Force or a year undertaking community service projects.
Staff, parents and former pupils undertake these activities voluntarily and their generosity cannot be quantified.
In common with many other independent schools, it requires prospective pupils to undertake a series of entrance examinations before they are accepted into the school.
As part of the enrichment program, pupils must undertake one week of PaWS (Projects and Work Shadowing) in their first year.
Munn advocated a core plus options curriculum pattern, which required pupils to undertake work in each of eight 'modes of activity' as follows:
In a new project with the local community the pupils from Rydon School, Storrington, undertook a community programme whereby they were allocated a Sussexdown resident and visited them twice a month.
A "recognised junior pupil" must undertake all the mandatory subjects and at least two of the optional subjects, except insofar as exemptions or exclusions apply.