Richardson implemented a reform and standardization plan in regard to pupil progress.
This impact on family life directly affects pupil progress, I see this impact every working day and frankly it is heartbreaking.
Changes in curriculum and the monitoring of pupil progress have placed tremendous demands on teacher time and supervising out of school hours clubs and teams may feature low on priorities.
Since the demise of externally-marked KS1 SATs, teacher assessment is the only way of being able to track pupil progress between KS1 and KS2.
In 2007 under Rabbi Pinter as Principal of the school, the school was named "the most effective school" in England, beating 81 grammar schools, under the Department for education's school's "value added" scoring system for pupil progress.
As far as any future evaluation is concerned, if we adopt this definition of support teaching, it is obvious that more than just the traditional concerns with pupil progress in specific skills areas will need to be taken into account.
Frequent assessment of pupil progress is made through the system or goal setting and analysis, assessment tests and examinations.
To get the money, states have to prove their plans will meet four aims: developing tough academic standards or targets for what pupils should achieve, building data systems that measure pupil progress, improving the professional development and evaluation of teachers, and turning around the lowest-achieving schools.
Since pupils' performances vary across different mathematical topics, profiling, such as that described in Examples C and D, will provide a fairer description of pupil progress than will a single grade.
The scale, pace and cyclical nature of change is overwhelming and directly impedes pupil progress.