In addition to the Team sport all pupils play at least an hour of sport each week as part of their timetable.
After breakfast came the one happy moment of the day, when the pupils could play and talk freely.
His last pupil, a talented boy of fifteen whom he was preparing for an examination, had played brilliantly.
Local campaigners fear many pupils will play truant rather than face the taunts of classmates about their ragged clothes.
During the recess time, pupils may walk around and play in the square.
Jan. 22, 1985: The first child witness in the preliminary hearing testifies that he and other pupils played "naked games."
Two Brazilian pupils were playing volleyball at an elite level and encouraged the gym teachers and students to get involved and try out the sport.
A large number of sports and games are played, and some pupils have played at an international level.
The process should encourage the pupils to play an active role in learning.
More recently heads of public schools have been emphasising that senior pupils now play a much reduced role in disciplining.