There was a further clatter as pupil evidently followed suit.
At Key Stage 3 pupils follow the same subjects for years 7-9.
For the first three years of the main school( Forms 1-3), pupils follow an internally developed and assessed curriculum.
It was time the master learned that the pupil no longer followed his lead.
To allow maximum flexibility, all pupils follow the same basic course, though at different rates.
As at primary level, all pupils follow the same plan of work.
All pupils follow the same subjects: languages, mathematics, history, arts and sciences.
However, its pupils followed the National Curriculum in Years 9, 10 and 11.
In 2009, around 140 pupils aged 14 to 18 from other local schools were also following vocational courses at the college.
In other words, different pupils will follow different curricula so that what they learn is 'appropriate to their individual levels of ability'.