In poetry, pupils should experience a range of 'voices'.
The Jesuit retreats that pupils experience aim to lay the foundations for a lifelong personal relationship with God.
For years, elementary-school pupils have experienced various versions of in-school banking.
Most pupils have experienced some level of boarding before they leave at 13.
Some museums offer Victorian classrooms where pupils can dress up and experience Victorian schooling methods.
Secondly, while it wishes pupils to experience freedom, in practice it is easy for the teacher to determine the structure.
It is appropriate that, with this in mind, the teacher will, on occasion, invite pupils to experience moments of prayer or reflection.
From Grade 8 to Matric, pupils experience individual attention with a focus on fostering individual talent.
They encourage pupils to experience the joy of engaging with a live audience, and provide vast opportunities for all pupils to perform.
The difficulty many pupils experience with the scale illustrated below is that each division represents 0.2 of a centimetre and not 0.1.