The pupils of my eyes slowly began to readjust, and I could see a little better.
The pupil of her left eye began to glow a deep red, like a deer caught in headlights.
The pupils all began looking round at each other and Mildred knew there was little time before someone recognized her.
She looked at him, and the pupils of her eyes began to slide up out of sight.
He found that, with the minimum of pushing, his pupils began to work together, creating, improvising.
The pupils of his eyes were beginning to expand - when, suddenly, they contracted to mere pin points.
During this period former pupils began to return to the school to teach.
The Secondary pupils began the 1986 school year on the new site.
I could not see where the iris ended and the pupil began.
In particular, pupils should begin their schooling through the medium of the mother tongue, because they understand it best