With its own exam to measure pupil achievement, Texas managed to show educational progress over the last decade on a scale rarely, if ever, achieved before.
The Institute promotes education reform efforts aimed at improving pupil academic achievement.
From next year, inspections will be subjected to further reform, with Ofsted rating schools on four key areas: teaching, pupil achievement, behaviour and leadership.
But decisions that affect curriculum, working conditions and pupil achievement are made by the cabinet, of which she is only a member.
This will be used to enhance resources in all subject areas, with the ultimate aim of continually raising standards of pupil achievement.
Without suburban integration, low-income pupil achievement will not easily improve.
These, with the assistance of Form Tutors, are responsible for overseeing pupil achievement and welfare.
"Broadly evidence suggests that class size reduction policies have an uncertain and diminishing effect on pupil achievement in the long run."
The College was graded inadequate in terms of pupil achievement, and satisfactory in all other areas.
Standards of pupil achievement at year 9 are well below the national average in English, the sciences, and mathematics.