These elections were one reason for India to forestall any punitive strikes against Pakistan, which it blames for years of terrorist attacks.
None needing hospitalization, happily, but all with broken bones and all unavailable for the punitive strike.
So far he has not requested punitive strikes.
The punitive strike on Beakkal had been a good first step, but not enough.
Shaddam surged with anger, and then anticipation, as he considered another punitive strike.
One early option considered AC-130H retaliatory punitive strikes deep within Iran.
Several papers were speculating on the target of some punitive strike, guessing at which of several unconquered planets.
If that doesn't work, then we'll need your authority to launch punitive strikes, ma'am.
How will you know how to target these punitive strikes if the red cloud covers all of Mortonridge?
The Ethiopian Air Force responded with punitive strikes across its southwestern frontier against Feerfeer, northeast of Beledweyne and Galkayo.