Even without one, who says the players can't strike, if whatever deal they agree to has the punitive effect the union leaders insist it will?
The punitive effect of being on the blacklist would be minimal, he admitted.
Judge Richard Posner has argued that the term is a misnomer in the class action context, because cy-près awards serve a punitive effect.
"If he had to wear a clown suit for six months, would that have a similar punitive effect?"
This behavior is maintained in adults by the rewards of cleanliness and the punitive effects of slovenliness.
Disciplinary action is taken against an act of misconduct to achieve a punitive, rehabilitative and deterrent effect.
He said the usefulness of a balanced-budget amendment rests not on its fiscal elegance, but on its punitive effect with Democrats.
But New York's scheme of using a commuter's total family income as a basis for increasing his or her tax rate has an adverse, almost punitive effect.
The punitive effect upon my mind of death and decay was eased.
The Ninth Circuit cited aspects of the law that taken together gave it a punitive effect.