The monitor had reported that punishments under the Sudan's Islamic laws violated its agreement to observe human rights treaties.
No further executions were carried out and in 1982 the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts ruled that capital punishment violated the state constitution.
He said that the uniform punishment - permanent dismissal - for any instance violated the broad discretion that canon law allows bishops in punishing priests.
The Supreme Court has held that courts may take account of evolving standards of decency in deciding whether punishments violate the Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.
For the first time in its history, the United States Supreme Court ordered the release of a convict from his sentence, on grounds that his punishment violated the constitutional prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment.
Repeated punishment for a single course of conduct violates the right to due process, he said.
Lawyers at the United Nations maintained that any punishment of an individual diplomat violated his or her immunity under the 1947 agreement signed when the United Nations located in New York City.
In general, a potential punishment that "shocks the conscience" will violate fundamental justice in extradition cases.
Since corporal punishment violated the right to equality and the right to dignity, it forfeited any claim to constitutional regard.
It was argued in the alternative that, if corporal punishment at the appellant's schools did not violate the Bill of Rights, its prohibition by the Act was reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society.