A punishment phase will not take place if the death penalty will not be imposed.
During the punishment phase of the trial, Shepherd revealed how he murdered Stewart.
Player j i now has no incentive to deviate from the punishment phase 2.
This morning's proceeding in the punishment phase of the trial was notable for what was not said.
Outside the courthouse, prosecutors were repeatedly asked about their actions during the punishment phase and their approach toward the death penalty.
The punishment phase of trial was scheduled for Monday morning of March 7, 2011.
She advised her colleagues to examine the record carefully now that the committee has moved to the punishment phase.
The loss of profit in the punishment phase must be enough to wipe out the gain from reneging.
Once the verdict is determined, the trial moves to the punishment phase.
"It is still our contention that he was very intoxicated, and I think that's something the jury will consider in the punishment phase of this case."