Three of the main characters threaten to see the punishment inflicted at different points in the story.
The sting shot pain all the way to my elbow, causing me to marvel at how much punishment a minuscule creature can inflict.
He also asserted the principle, that the trial was to be held, and the punishment inflicted , in the place where the crime had been committed.
"Does not your Eminence fear that the punishment inflicted upon Ravaillac may deter anyone who might entertain the idea of imitating him?"
"nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
Jongleur comforted himself with the thought of what punishments he would inflict on his wayward servant when he found him again.
They are four libertines assembled; they judge a girl, and, ultimately disagreeing upon what punishment to inflict, decide to sentence her individually.
Whatever punishment the Big Bwana inflicts I will accept as a man should.
The punishment inflicted was quite severe; at the common law, the judgement was: "1.
Different punishments inflicted by the two Houses.