"In other words, this cruel punishment consisted of orders to write accurate logs and not to sleep during ship's working hours, is that correct?"
But students said they felt that the university had let Mr. Solich off easy when his punishment consisted of participating in alcohol education programs on campus.
The eldest wondered of what God's punishment of the wicked consisted.
Those punishments, he said, consisted of discipline like a reprimand from a superior, a note in an officer's file or the loss of a few vacation days.
Medieval theologians concluded that the purgatorial punishments consisted of material fire.
Such punishment would consist of requiring the boy to report to the praepostors' or monitors' room, where the punishment would be handed out.
Such punishments, which can last for months or years, typically consist of a regime of physical labor and lengthy daily confessions of "evil purposes".
The "punishment" for unwanted or exploitative advances does not consist solely of denying job opportunities but of the emotional consequences of the act.
Initially, the punishments consisted of fines.
His punishment consists of extra hours of work.