The fine they deleted would have allowed the Secretary of Labor to punish employers who offered substandard insurance policies to their workers.
It punishes employers who are doing the right thing, providing coverage for their workers.
Armed with favorable rulings from Federal courts, the Justice Department is stepping up enforcement of the immigration law to punish employers of illegal aliens.
Mayor Louis Barletta of Hazelton, Pa., which has adopted strict measures to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants and landlords who rent to them.
George J. Borjas: Punish employers, not children.
It comes as Congress and others are pressing for tougher Federal criminal sanctions to punish employers whose indifference to safety results in death or serious injury.
In some isolated incidents, workmen even began to use violence to punish employers and also those fellow-workers who would not become union members; the so-called "Sheffield Outrages".
The reform act also established sanctions to punish employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
The proposal to punish employers who use illegal citizens is timely.
The law, which offers amnesty to illegal aliens who have been in this country continuously for five years, also punishes employers who hire undocumented workers.