Critics have called for efforts at punishing Russia with stronger criticism, even ostracism.
Has Germany already decided to punish Russia?
It is wishful thinking that Americans can somehow punish Russia by withholding co-operation, as, clearly, the US would be the only party to be punished in such a scenario.
Should the UN punish the US and Russia for failing to comply with the NPT too?
Rather than punish Russia for dealing with Iran, the West, Yavlinsky urges, should cooperate with Russia to keep its scientists, know-how and products at home.
"Some people would say that we should punish Russia when it does something we don't like," said Mr. Christopher.
Thus, we can do little to punish Russia without imposing greater costs on ourselves.
Its goal is not to punish Russia or undermine American commitment to helping Russia safeguard dangerous weapons material and prevent the theft, diversion or sale of unconventional weapons and expertise.
This is not consistent with the hypothesis that the markets are punishing Russia for the war.
The third experiment showed that mortality salience led to a desire to punish Israel for human rights violations but not to a desire to punish Russia or India for identical human rights violations.