An enormous slab of meat dripping with a thick pungent sauce, more like underdone pork than any other flavor.
In either case, my recipe makes half a cup of this pungent sauce, but it can easily be doubled.
They marinate beef or sliced short ribs in a sweet, salty, pungent sauce before grilling.
She had reached the door of that eating place when a whiff of more than roasting meat and pungent sauces caught her attention.
On the side is a pungent sauce of minced scallions and ginger; it would make almost anything taste better.
And if it wasn't quite up to snuff, he'd try a sweetly pungent Drayonian red sauce with it.
The tempura coating is thick and heavy, and the pungent sauce overwhelming.
Those looking for flavor have to use the pungent dipping sauce of soy, wasabi and ginger.
The sea scallops were delectable, the sauce pungent and pleasing.
This pungent sauce, borrowed from the Greeks, was highly prized.