And Valentinian actually managed to silence Ousanas completely-wonder of wonders-with a few short, curt, pungent phrases.
And then there's that sense of abundance lent by the prose style - multitudes of pungent phrases strung together, rich descriptions tumbling over one another.
Here, in William Herschel's pungent phrase, is the "chaotic material of future suns."
Again, the pungent phrase: "For the superhawks, it is institutionalized surrender.
A pungent phrase can become weighted with a war's meaning.
Both Kaunian refugee leaders spoke several pungent phrases of a sort Hajjaj's language master had never taught him.
At the end of it, one expert turned to another and summed it up: "In other words, we're" doomed - except he used a pungent phrase I can't.
He gives himself over to the seduction of slang, often content to let his pungent phrases create their own dreamlike logic.
The pungent phrase attributed to Benning was, The wheat are in the army; the chaff is at home.
They also share a gift for repeating pungent phrases.