She cautioned against a rush to get rid of the punch-card machines.
In those pre-electronic computer days, mechanization meant using analog devices or punch-card machines.
Rescue California argued that there was no evidence that punch-card machines have a higher rate of error than other forms of voting.
After the 2000 election, there was a rush to eliminate the punch-card machines that produced the infamous hanging chads.
Furthermore, the number of undervotes correlates with how well the punch-card machines are maintained, and not with factors such as race or socioeconomic status.
It adds that punch-card machines "are used disproportionately" in counties with substantial numbers of blacks and other minorities.
The plaintiffs request an injunction prohibiting the use of punch-card machines in future elections.
We demonstrated, first, that there were a large number of ballots that were not counted by the punch-card machines.
Thus, every election with punch-card machines has some disqualified ballots.
As now-discredited punch-card machines are being abandoned, there has been a shift to electronic voting machines with serious reliability problems of their own.