In the pulsed mode of operation, the output of a laser varies with respect to time, typically taking the form of alternating 'on' and 'off' periods.
If the fusion reactor worked in a pulsed mode, inductive techniques could be used.
The complex operates in pulsed mode.
Also, most smaller 593.5 nm pointers work in pulsed mode so they can use smaller and less powerful pumping diodes.
Here, the letters IR indicate the laser working mode, in this case a pulsed mode.
The laser would operate in pulsed mode to avoid self-shielding of the target by the ablated plasma.
Both radio-frequency and direct-current glow discharges can be operated in pulsed mode, where the potential is turned on and off.
Operation may be either in continuous wave mode or in pulsed mode.
For one, the system used a "classic" pulsed mode radar, which made it unable to detect targets close to the ground due to "clutter".
These lasers can operate in both continuous and pulsed mode, and the wavelength of the laser beam is 10.6 μm.