Black blood courses through yellow veins, and the pale sinews and powerful muscles are visible as a pulsating mass.
Soon, he was a pulsating mass of jelly at the edge of the hole, and the surrounding insects gave him a wide berth.
Within minutes we saw our first sea lions, a pulsating mass of brown fur sprawled on the sun-drenched coastal boulders.
A pulsating mass in your abdomen.
In one thrilling passage, the trombone choir fans out from the note G to make a pulsating mass of eighty separate quarter-tones.
For example, an abdominal aneurysm often feels like a tender, throbbing lump under the skin and the patient or an examining doctor may discover the pulsating mass.
At the first therapy session he usually asks the patient to visualize the pain: a pulsating red mass for a headache, for example.
"Doctor, report," Janeway requested, taken aback at the sight of Tuvok's body covered by the pulsating mass of translucent energy.
The necks are then connected to a trunk-like central body that ended in a pulsating mass of writhing tentacles.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm can cause a pulsating mass around the navel.