It covers 54 acres, the size of a village, and turns pulped wood from eucalyptus and spruce trees into 3.5 million loo rolls every 24 hours.
What I tell you is truer, for it has been told from mouth to ear for ten thousand generations, and so its words still live, and have not become dead things squashed flat on plastic or pulped wood.
"Robinton wants the song done on those sheets of pulped wood, and Arnor won't hand them out to apprentices."
The case was normally made from pulped wood and cardboard mixed with tar for waterproofing.
And, because magic can only loosely be bound, the Library books themselves were more than mere pulped wood and paper.
All I wanted to do was write, and correct and edit and shuffle and store, all the things people said were so much easier on screen than on bits of bleached and pulped wood.
This would end the nearly 2000-year use of pulped rags and start a new era for the production of newsprint and eventually almost all paper was made out of pulped wood.
It took a couple decades for newspaper and book printers to get comfortable which the idea of using pulped wood instead of pulped rags, but by the 1860s the new process had gained much popularity, and the transition began.