He began writing pulp stories, which, as he wrote in "Intimate Memoirs," were "not literature but little stories for the risque weeklies."
One of his ballplayers had liked reading pulp stories about rocketships and creatures from other planets (he wondered if Sam Yeager was still alive these days).
Simak wrote a few Western pulp stories.
For Mr. Chiriacka, though, his work illustrating pulp stories was simply a natural outgrowth of his other commerical drawing, and a way to make money.
Stanley Lee Krueber (August 28, 1892 - November 10, 1987) was an American fiction author known primarily for his pulp stories.
Through the wonders of interactive fiction, you could take part in pulp stories.
Many of the programs were adaptations of his own pulp stories.
At first glance, The Weathered Underground is a collection of irreverent pulp stories from the darker corners of young life in the big city.
"Johnson" was the last name of his alter ego, crippled millionaire William Johnson, created by the author of the pulp stories.
He is most noted for his pulp stories of crime, mystery and adventure.