She was, after all, the only populist among six sisters whose events the most shameless pulp novelist would hardly dare invent.
And in addition to her talents as a pulp novelist, tabloid newspaper columnist and reality television mom, Ms. Gotti can actually sing and dance a little.
The idea is that Garth Marenghi (Matthew Holness), a ludicrous pulp novelist, has decided to put on a television show.
And, yes, you could argue that this was what the pulp novelist Jacqueline Susann made her career on.
Mr. Downey plays Dan Dark, a pulp novelist suffering from a horrendous psoriatic condition that has rendered him a prisoner in his own scaly, lesion-covered skin.
Jack Woodford (1894-1971) was a successful pulp novelist and non-fiction author of the 1930s and 1940s.
The pulp novelist became an equal-opportunity creator.
There is also a keen interest in works about life's seamier sides by pulp novelists like Donald Goines.
From Film to Disk "Ever since pulp novelists discovered the place in the early 20th century, Haiti has been a victim of yellow journalism," Jonathan Demme said the other day.
A voice like a booze-addled death row inmate, a mind like an existential pulp novelist.