She pulled weakly at the buttons of her blouse.
He pulled weakly at the blanket, an immense feeling of fatigue and inertia overtaking him.
The woman gratefully took the garment and weakly pulled it on.
Pearl was shaking her head, weakly pulling her arm from Janeway's grip, her wide eyes distressed.
And when, in addition to this, the worn- out huskies pulled weakly, Hal decided that the orthodox ration was too small.
"We're fit enough for gate duty," Aahz insisted, weakly pulling himself erect.
Her fingers pulled weakly at the sheet.
Pushing himself away from the cupboard, he fell back onto the bed and weakly pulled part of the bedspread over him.
He shone the light at Palatazin, who was weakly pulling the rest of the sheet away from his face.
Yasmin's hand fell upon my shoulder, fingers weakly pulling as she asked me to return to her.