He pulled her into the corner formed by the tiled wall and a huge vending machine.
Then Will was pulling her across the room, into the corner by the doorway.
Swearing heavily, I grabbed the desk and pulled it into the corner of the room.
Then I pulled myself into the corner to get away from him, because when he got up, he'd kill me.
He backed away, and I grabbed the tail of his shirt and pulled him deeper into the corner.
An'desha shuddered but did not pull back into the familiar corner of his mind.
Glancing around, she pulled me into the corner of the room, well out of anyone's earshot.
An instant later he pulled me back into the blackest corner of the room, and I felt his warning hand upon my lips.
At one point, he pulled me into the corner and asked what I had said to his honor, the club president.
Margo had pulled the chair into the far corner; but she wasn't sitting in it.