This president has never had to pull all-nighters or work very hard, because Daddy's friends always gave him a boost when he flamed out.
They pull all-nighters, live in loud dorms, party or study till the wee hours.
I have pulled all-nighters, worked till one at night for weeks on end.
She'd pulled enough all-nighters to have learned how to sleep anywhere, anytime.
We were a very tight-knit group who went to see gigs together, threw parties, and pulled all-nighters pasting up the issues for press.
Presumably, you will pull all-nighters, neglect your family - whatever it takes.
After midnight, they began reading the book, insisting that they would pull all-nighters.
George Bush is not going to be pulling all-nighters going over maps of the West Bank.
But I rarely pull all-nighters during a trial.
Architects and urban planners have been known to pull all-nighters wrapping up big presentations.