The pudgy girl leaped off the bed, glistening with sweat, and flattened like a sack of brown sugar against the wall.
Then he remembered one of his many cousins, a pudgy blond girl who had thrown a tantrum when denied another tea cake.
She thought of all the hard knocks, the criticism, the pudgy girl who came up through the ranks but was never the favorite.
In front of them a pudgy girl lolled on the floor, in a pool of blood.
The pudgy girl (though all the children looked a bit pudgy, well fed and compressed by tide) asked, "Where does pipe come from?"
The pudgy girl asked a little coldly, "How many trees have you killed?"
Beside him sat a pudgy girl, busily working her way through a pile of fruit.
"Fadal is my memory," he said, gesturing at the pudgy girl.
A pudgy 8-year-old girl in a windbreaker stares at a demonstration without saying a word.
The pudgy girl looks at the polished graystone floor tiles.