The smithy pondered, then flashed a puckish smile.
'So many stories,' he says with a puckish smile.
"No," he says with a puckish smile.
Black and gigantic, gazing out at the sky, lips curved in a puckish smile, the head was certainly Sandor's.
But her slender face enthralled him with its waif eyes and a puckish smile that showed small white teeth.
Archer allowed himself a puckish smile, despite the pain in his face and the distinct lack of humor in this situation.
"Why don't you come down to the kitchen tomorrow morning and we'll perform a little experiment," he said with a puckish smile.
Wolfowitz spoke softly to Yasa, who evidently had no idea who he was but responded with a puckish smile.
He had a puckish smile and curly black hair.
As he explained how people become the brightest elements in the room, his puckish smile broadened into a chuckle.