David C. Copley, 60, American publishing heir (Copley Press) and socialite, apparent heart attack.
Senator Bob Dole blamed the press today for a new poll that shows him trailing Steve Forbes, the wealthy publishing heir, in the Republican Presidential primary in New Hampshire.
But in this tax-allergic state, Mr. Dole walks a fine line when he criticizes the flat tax proposed by Steve Forbes, the publishing heir.
Mr. Dole shrugged off questions about Steve Forbes, the wealthy publishing heir who has gained on him in various opinion polls, saying, "Polls are polls."
Many Republicans do not expect Patrick J. Buchanan to step aside and consider Mr. Forbes, a publishing heir, as a more immediate threat to Mr. Dole because he can spend his personal fortune for television commercials.
The wife of a publishing heir is threatened by a serial killer.
Along with his partner, the publishing heir Nelson Doubleday, he owns the New York Mets, and it was for this reason that the mayor of New York had come calling.
But on a day of rekindled and broken alliances, the most surprising announcement was Mr. Kemp's endorsement of Mr. Forbes, the publishing heir.
It is housed in two 100-year-old homes, above, that were joined by Peter Pulitzer, the publishing heir, in the 1970's.
The police think she murdered her former lover, Billy Rice, a dissolute publishing heir and independent movie producer, at his Malibu beach house.