The publishers have not withdrawn this work.
The publisher, Pearson Prentice Hall, has quietly withdrawn the book from consideration by the board.
Following a lawsuit by the Indians against the "distorted, glorifying biography", the publisher withdrew the book from the market.
And this year several publishers withdrew the hard-cover edition of "Fragments" as a hoax.
By that point, a huge negative public backlash, which had been building up, erupted, and the publisher withdrew the book from the marketplace.
They switched because they figured out that if all publishers withdrew their books Amazon's business was dead.
The publishers then withdrew their authorization to display the books.
In 1997, her publisher, Moody Press, investigated the author's claims of having grown up on a reservation, and withdrew her best-selling books from the market.
The publishers withdrew all 10,000 copies of the book from sale.
It was accepted, but after the hoax was revealed, the publisher withdrew its offer.