IDG Books will swap the disks at no charge, but the publisher warns it can take about a month.
The publishers warn that a ruling for the authors will have "devastating" consequences.
Don't forget to mention the title of your book as many times as possible, the publishers warn.
At its conclusion, the publishers warned that they needed to be conservative with alternate-reality stories, because both they and Hasbro did not want to make things too confusing before the 2007 movie is released.
His British publisher warned him against taking on any new commitments - "an important project" awaited him back in England.
This book sells for $30 until Jan. 1, 1999, but the publisher - Oxford - warns that it will be $35 thereafter.
The publisher, however, warned that these figures could not be interpreted as predicting the eventual success of the paper.
The paper's publisher, Sherman Frederick, likewise warned readers: "I'm asking you nicely once again-don't steal our content.
"Some people might call it precious," Welch's first publisher warned him, over a lunch of duck soup, plaice and mashed potatoes.
It might have been more of a shock if the local papers' publisher, James H. Hale, had not recently warned that a study was being made on what to do with the evening paper.