An acquisition of Houghton Mifflin, an educational publisher known to many schoolchildren in the United States, would not appear to advance that agenda.
Thunder Bay Press is a publisher known for its Then and Now series of illustrated books on local and U.S. city history.
The Gilberton Company, Inc. was an American publisher best known for the comic book series Classics Illustrated.
In fact, publishers, known for their entrenched ways, often find the switch difficult themselves.
The publisher, Lyle Stuart, was an independent publisher then known for controversial books, many with sexual content.
Hutchmeyer is a brash American publisher, known for publishing unremittingly commercial books.
Atlus is a publisher known for niche Japanese titles, which are often released in limited runs.
Horwitz Publications, is an Australian publisher primarily known for its publication of popular and pulp fiction.
It is acquiring Running Press, a publisher best known for novelties and impulse buys sold at stores specializing in toys, greeting cards and gardening supplies.
Obverse Books is a British publisher known for publishing books relating to the character Iris Wildthyme.