The publisher did not choose to reveal the ad budget.
In the summer French publishers choose which novels they will promote for various literary awards guaranteed to boost sales.
If a publisher chooses to do so, the process begins anew.
The book makes the argument that the paper's publisher deliberately chose to "bury" such news in the back pages for ideological reasons.
It is puzzling that the publishers chose to photocopy the 1936, rather than the 1954, edition of this book.
No one has ever been able to remember the title the publisher with such acumen chose for my first book.
The Onix for Books standard can be used to store a great deal more information than most publishers currently choose to provide.
The publishers chose to stay away from this controversy, as evidenced in the book's trailer.
The publisher chose not to identify the updated text as a second or revised edition.
It includes not only the texts of the category, but also any other texts that the publishers might choose to add.