This issue contains more than 40 poems by Israeli poets, which were published in the period between 1948 till 1958.
The Old Testament was not published till more than a quarter of a century later.
It was not published till 1606, but was certainly written full twenty years earlier.
Evangelica update was apparently published from 1982 till 1998, and also in 1993.
He has published several books till date, including short stories, poetry and a novel.
It has been published since 1993 as a quarterly magazine till 2008.
It has published more than 1600 title books till February 2013.
It was published from 1869 to 1903 and from 1993 till today.
It was probably written sometime between 1608 and 1616, but not published till 1641.
It continued to be published till 1879; the press however was sold in 1883.