Few well-controlled scientific studies have ever been published suggesting the possibility of pheromones in humans.
In March 2010 evidence was published suggesting the site may be located at Church Stowe, Northamptonshire.
In 1954, a sensational article was published by Beecher and Todd suggesting that the use of muscle relaxants (drugs similar to curare) increased death due to anesthesia nearly sixfold.
A report has been published suggesting that P. ovale may be a natural parasite of chimpanzees but this needs confirmation.
In 2008, a small Italian study was published suggesting that lithium carbonate could slow the progression of ALS.
In 2007, RIBA called for minimum space standards in newly built British houses after research was published suggesting that British houses were falling behind other European countries.
Further research has been published suggesting there is no link between mobile phones and brain cancer.
No reports have been published suggesting that no products atoms were detected, as anticipated by the team.
Before the Warren Commission issued its report which concluded Oswald acted alone, several books had already been published suggesting a conspiracy was behind the assassination.
Conditions at the company changed drastically after a report was published suggesting that it was exposing its workers to unacceptable hazards.