He published his great confession upon the subject and also a second writing in English intended for the common people.
In 1826, shortly before his death, he published a work upon the various religions of the world.
Hall remained deeply unsympathetic to Pre-Raphaeliism, publishing several attacks upon the movement.
Of both those I need say nothing; fame publishes their merit upon every mention of their names.
In 1867 he published an attack upon Disraeli's Reform Act of that year.
In 1868 she published a novel, Change upon Change.
Please send me whatever you may publish upon the fossil fishes in your possession.
Balagtas published Florante at Laura upon his release in 1838.
After his return he published a history of Chilean literature (1878), and a work upon the aboriginal tribes (1884).
He developed a method for palpation of the appendix and published a report upon the subject.